Hanabi Beer
Hanabi Beer
Hanabi is a lager brewing project, born from a winemaking life and a passion for building things with our hands. Inspired by history and older methods of lager brewing as they originally developed near the Bavarian Alps, we, along with a band of young international winemakers, have been working for more than a decade to discover and reinvent what lager brewing means to us.
We approach the art of lager brewing with a winemaker’s perspective and palate. We believe in sourcing heirloom varieties of barley from interesting terroirs around the world, and embracing the seasonal differences as a means of honoring the agricultural origins of our beers. Using time-honored brewing techniques that coax out complex flavors, and with the patience of winemakers, we allow these beers to ferment and mature slowly, at their own pace, to deliver incredibly delicious beers of precision and intention.
With a ship that we’ve designed and built by hand to excel in traditional lager brewing techniques, we are excited to share this adventure with you, from our brewery workshop in Napa, California.
Hanabi Beer is made by Nick Gislason which is also the winemaker at Screaming Eagle.